Working for Teachers in GVSD
Thank You! to everyone that has taken a few moments to complete the Annual All Member Survey!
Your input is valuable and it because of your responses that we can set direction that helps us to advocate on the teaching, learning, and working conditions in our Division.
And... the info you provides helps us do so much more!
Did you know:
1. Your GVTA Executive meets as a Liaison Committee 4X each year to discuss salient issues with trustee representatives from the School Board and Senior Admin.
2. Your GVTA President and the GVSD Superintendent meet monthly (usually the first or third Thursday of the month) to hold ongoing discussions surrounding teaching, learning, policy, and personnel topics.
3. Topics discussed this year include: Educational Finance, Strategic Planning, PLC's, Assessment, Employee Benefits, Inclusion, Incoming Students, and School Board Elections.
4. Moving forward, we will be adding Collective Bargaining Negotiations to that list albeit with a "Table Team" of negotiators bent on seeking improvements to education in our division.
Please connect with your GVTA President - - to add your voice to any or all of our discussions.
Keeping our Association Strong
Engagement and Relevance
GVTA holds two General Meetings each year - meetings that let you have your say and set GVTA direction.
This year we were encouraged by the increased number of members that recognized the importance that presenting ourselves as a cohesive and unified group of professionals, has for creating solidarity and for demonstrating our willingness to "stick together" when concerns arise - let's maintain that momentum when we meet again this spring!
While your GVTA has many volunteers and serves you in numerous ways, obviously bargaining and negotiating on your behalf is one of our primary functions.
That fact alone, makes your association relevant and is our greatest tool for ensuring that Equality and Social Justice principles are solidly "on the table" as we move forward.
Please continue to support the work of your association and its generous volunteers - Get informed, Get involved, Get ahead!
"Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance" - Plato
November 04 - Fall General Meeting Update
A Change of venue and a reboot of the Fall General Meeting as a Networking Event, witnessed a three-fold increase in attendance and a successful return to quorum for the GVTA!
Attendees were able to ratify (and endorse) both the October 2013 and May 2014 minutes of the GVTA General Meetings and agreed to move forward with a second reading of some Draft Constitutional changes.
Members present were asked to submit an informal exit survey of the event and a strong majority were in favour of the proceedings in the manner in which they were presented.
Some questions were raised regarding the purchase of a rental facility, food and beverage; with most persons being concerned about the cost of hosting the event outside of a school facility.
GVTA will review the responses and determine how to best proceed to maintain a healthy quorum for future meetings.

It is with profound sadness that we announce the loss of one of our beloved teachers and cherished colleagues.
Erich Hirschfeld
Grade 8 teacher at Emerado Centennial School – Passed away suddenly while on a weekend excursion with his nephew.
Erich touched the lives of many students and teachers.
His energy and enthusiasm sparked creativity and a thirst for learning in his students.
He had the ability to brighten any room when networking with colleagues and will be lovingly remembered for his unfailing support of his beloved Boston Bruins.
Garden Valley Teachers mourn the loss of this respected, talented, and well-loved teacher from our ranks.
We extend our condolences to Erich’s family, friends, and colleagues during this emotional and difficult time.
Erich will be sorely missed.
GVTA Picnic Cancelled due to Weather Conditions
This year's GVTA Picnic at Meadow's Amusements was cancelled due to some threatening storm clouds and some early indications of rain. GVTA, GVC and Meadows consulted to determine if the "show should go on" but, all indications were that the picnic would most likely suffer the bane of all picnics - Rain! (esp. if you're not counting ants, mosquitos, and black flies - that is).
We want to thank the GVTA staff at Garden Valley Collegiate for their stellar efforts in planning and preparing for what unfortunately turned into a non-event due to the inclement weather.
Let's hope for a sunshiny and warm September day next year when the GVTA staff at JR Walkof School take their turn at hosting the annual event!
Dental Plan Implementation Information
Members voted 66% in favour of the MTS/MSBA Dental Plan. Our School Division has determined that the implementation of the plan is to be included within the Collective Bargaining Negotiation process.
As things stand, the teacher ratified plan sits on the negotiation table until a mutually agreeable solution is reached.
Details will be posted to this Wiki and distributed to members once an agreement has been determined.
Stay tuned!
For a general overview of the plan click here.
May 27 - Spring Annual General Meeting Update
The GVTA Spring General Meeting took place on May 27. Unfortunately, the quorum threshold was unmet. Nevertheless, attendees voted to reduce GVTA fees from $12/mos. to $11/mos. for the 2014-2015 school year.
Note: New MTS policy reduces an association's Release Time Subsidy by the amount that their Reserve Funds exceed 75% of their operating expenses. We currently fall under this policy and will be ineligible for the subsidy this year.
To continue the work of the association this year, we will use a portion of our Reserve Fund, alongside our reduced monthly fees, to decrease our surplus and receive the full Release Time Subsidy in 2015/16.
For more details on this year's budget, follow this link - 14-15 Budget (_11).pdf
Members should note that, even though attendees approved new fee structure and budget at the Spring General Meeting, that we will need to review and ratify those changes at the Fall General Meeting.
FYI... MTS News and Fees for 2014-2015
- Manitoba Teacher Society fees are set at $939 this year.
- Disability Benefits Plan premiums will reduce by .12% of salary.
- The Society's Policy and Bylaws Handbook was streamlined and reorganized.
Health Insurance Change
Blue Cross health insurance premiums are now deducted from your Gross Pay. This change results in a tax savings for you! Is your Gross Pay being deducted correctly? Click here for help.
TRAF contributions are now variable and are determined by actual time worked. Click here for more details.
Your GVTA Executive Works... for You!
The GVTA Executive is comprised of a small band of volunteers that you elect each year.
They are a dedicated group of your Colleagues that freely give of their time to make things better for you as a teacher, clinician, or substitute working in our school division.
This year, take a moment to connect with the members of your GVTA Executive to express your needs for the school year, because they are passionate about doing what they can to improve your teaching and learning conditions.
Contact us so we can do our job even better, and always consult with your GVTA if you have questions surrounding your teaching working conditions.
Hearing from you helps us do that... See the bottom of this page for contact info.
Introducing Your GVTA Executive for 2014-2015...
Vice-president - Joel Swaan (PKD)
Past-president - Dale Marten (NPC)
Secretary - Tammy Macdonald (NPC)
Treasurer - Rhonda Peters (NPC)
Workplace Health & Safety Liaison - Erica Kotschorek (PCS)
Employee Benefits - Sarah Quickfall (GVC) / Sarah Calder (DO)
Bargaining - Joel Swaan (PKD)
Professional Development - Donica Blatz (PCS) / Jacqui Kusnick (PDS)
Public Relations - Karla Rootsaert (SWD) / Raffaele Bagnulo (NPC)
Social - Sarah Buhler (NPC) / Erica Kotschorek (PCS)
Education Finance - Scott Hiebert (JRW) / Walter Giesbrecht (GVC)
Substitute Teacher Representatives - Dave Stobbe, Margaret Reimer, Jacqui Mitchell,
Rob Loeppky, Alviera Plett, Linne Dyck, Jim Parry-Hill
Contract, policy, governance and related...
Meetings, events, and the GVTA budget...
Insurance, benefits, and pension...
For more handy websites, see the Sidebar on the right...
If you have questions / comments / concerns - please contact:
(Call, email or leave a message any time)
The Manitoba Teachers' Society Tel. 1.800.262.8803)
any member of the GVTA Executive
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